Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New Chapters

Boy it has been so long since I have written a post. I thought I was going to be this great blogger and happened. As my children get older my life seems to get increasingly busier!!

I am starting a new chapter of my life. For so long I have devoted myself entirely to my husband and to my children all eleven of them. I have finally realized though that I am doing them all a disservice by not devoting some of my time to myself. It is easy to get caught up in the day to day tasks like, housework, never ending laundry, homework, home maintenance, cooking, paying bills, fulfilling church callings.....and the list goes on. As of late though I have found myself reflecting on who I am and who it is I dreamed I wanted to be. I am not perfect but I do love my children and husband more than anything. What I dream of is to be a woman of God, to let his radiance shine through me and my actions. A woman who can find balance in the many good things of life. A woman who teaches her children by example how to be healthy, physically, mentally, and spiritually. So having said is my new journey:

I am making some goals for myself this year.

I am committing myself to be more prayerful in all things. To reflect on the many things I have to be grateful for, and share my gratitude. I am committing myself to find a healthier way of eating and to share that knowledge with my children, and my family and friends. I am committing myself to acknowledge those things I have no control over and accept that. And I am committing myself to seek the good in everyone and remember that we are all God's children and that we deserve to be treated kindly.

A lot of changes are happening in my family this year (good ones) and I want to be able to fully participate in those wonderful things and still find time to take care of myself.

I am so blessed to know that I am loved and supported by so many family and dear friends. So here goes..2014; I come!!